Pilates, the ultimate choice of exercise for core conditioning
Centering (the powerhouse) Control, Flow, Breath, Precision, and Concentration
Pilates is a form of mat based exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1940’s which emphasis on a balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, body awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement.
Pilates is one of the most popular exercise systems in the UK at this present time and growing in popularity each year.
Pilates is a unique method of exercise.
Core strength and torso stability, along with the six Pilates principles, set the Pilates method apart from many other types of exercise.
Weight training for instance has its place in building muscle but often at a heavy price (ie, potential injury) whereas Pilates although challenging when performed correctly through the normal adaptation to exercise produces beautiful ‘shape, leanness and an extremely supportive ‘core; corset for ultimate protection to the most precious of bones of the human body, the vertebral column.
Every single cell in the body receives a nerve supply instructing movement (motor nerve) and receives a nerve supply from the cells to the spine (sensory or visceral nerve) providing vital information regards external stimulus, body position sense and PAIN. Ultimately those who really succeed at their sport learn to use their core muscles, but in Pilates this integrative approach is learned from the beginning.
Joseph Pilates, founder of the Pilates method of exercise, said: “If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.” Getting the most out of life should be reason enough to try Pilates.